Welcome to you all to Moonlight Tango’s first event for 2022! We are in this beautiful new venue, Evita and many thanks to the staff of Evita for hosting this event. I am sure you all agree that this is a stunning space for us to dance in!

Of course, we all know well how COVID is messing with our lives and there are many people from our community who are unable to be here tonight. The person I am missing most though is my co-DJ Anita! Although Anita has been in isolation since Wednesday she has worked tirelessly with me on the playlist for your enjoyment tonight. So my heartfelt thanks to Anita. She wishes she was here in person, but she is definitely here in spirit! We also have Marcus and Liam here to delight us with live swing music.

As you may know tonight’s theme is the celebration of women in tango. We have selected some special tandas which feature a range of women in tango. Of course, we also have many incredible contemporary women in tango too and we are lucky enough to have several in our own tango community. We have Liz Young who plays sublime tango violin which we all love, we have Cecile Elton who has had a long professional romance with tango music and then we have Chloe Williamson who leads both the Brisbane Tango Orquesta and the trío Tango Enigmático, who have just released their first album. They have generously offered a copy as the prize for whoever can guess the tango which while sung by a man was composed by a woman….. so let us know your guess.
Anita and I have also had the pleasure of collaborating with our international friends Lorena, Ayelen and Stine. A big thank you to them too. To be honest, we have found out so many interesting things about women in tango that we decided to release some of this as a blog on our Moonlight Tango website so head there if you too are curious. You will be able to find out more about the songs we featured tonight.
Finally, Alessandro and I would like to wish you all a wonderful evening of tango and Argentinian culture. Enjoy!
Muchas gracias,